Posts Tagged ‘web hosting tips’

Migrate Your Site to a New Host Efficiently

Tuesday, May 27th, 2014

Webmasters should always be ready for the day when they have to migrate their site to a new host. Even if the current host is perfect, there’s no guarantee that they will stay the same forever. Or maybe a better host will come along, or maybe the current one suddenly goes out of business.

Regardless of the reason, you should be ready to move your site without undergoing too much of a hassle. If you want your migration to a new host be efficient and with minimal downtime, you should take the following into consideration:

Make Regular (and Full) Backups Of Your Site

You don’t want to be that guy who only makes a backup of his entire site at the moment he has to migrate to a new host. The really big migrations can occur as a result of a host suddenly disappearing or a host being so unreliable that their servers frequently corrupt your databases.

Click here and test the efficiency of Prestige Technologies with 6 months free hosting.

If you don’t have any backups yet by the time you’re forced by circumstances to change hosts, you’ll find yourself with just bits and pieces of your old site available, which can be so difficult to restore that you’d find it easier to just start a new site from scratch. Additionally, really big, established sites take a lot of time to back up, so you don’t want to be rushing everything at the last minute. (more…)

Code Instrumentation Tips

Monday, May 19th, 2014

Many developers these days tend to neglect the importance of writing production-aware code, which could come back to bite them somewhere down the road. After all, programs are always written to run somewhere into production. We don’t want to delve too much into advanced topics such as aspect-oriented programming or aspect weaving, so we’re going to tackle four of the basic dimensions of code instrumentation, which also serve as examples of the best practices that should be followed by all software developers:

1. Tracing

Tracing is the first important element of code instrumentation. Adding traces to your code might be frowned upon by some developers because it could impact performance in some scenarios, but this is easily solved by adding different tracing levels that can be configured at runtime. Additionally, the benefit will outweigh the minimal performance hit.

Many developers favor debugging over tracing, but the problem with debugging is that the effort is rendered for naught once they close their development tool. Tracing, on the other hand, will allow developers to leverage the trace information and understand as well as address issues even well into production. Additionally, tracing’s benefits can be leveraged even by different developers who wish to contribute into a project somewhere down the line.

Click here and get FREE 6 MONTHS HOSTING. No credit card required. (more…)

How To Find a Secure Web Host

Wednesday, November 20th, 2013

Web Hosting Security Issues and Prevention GuideBeing a webmaster isn’t all about web design and content creation. While both design and content creation are very important and easily make up majority of the duties of a webmaster, there is one other responsibility that is usually neglected yet important enough to a website that its neglect could ruin everything: Web Hosting Security.

Hackers these days have more tools at their disposal and more unpatched exploits and soon to be discovered vulnerabilities at their disposal, and now that the Internet has become an important aspect of businesses, the profit-oriented motivation has also solidified, which means your website getting hacked is no longer a matter of IF, but WHEN.

Granted that the web hosting companies are already doing their able best in order to ensure the security of their servers, and that security is technically their responsibility, but it’s still important to remember that webmasters themselves need to take precautions on their end. After all, it is their personal info and precious data that’s at risk.

All Web Hosting plans of Prestige Technologies provides redundant security measures. Click here and check out the different plans. (more…)

Finding the Right Web Hosting Service

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

Finding the Right Web Hosting ServiceIf you want your website to be successful and to be around for the long term, you need to know how to find the right web hosting service. While you can change to a different web hosting service somewhere down the line, it is important that you get everything right from the start, in order to avoid the hassle and the loss of readership you will incur if you just migrate later. Here are a few things you need to do in order to find the right web hosting service:

Decide on What You Want Out of Your Website

This should come first, as it will be the deciding factor on whether you can go with a free web host or must invest in a paid hosting provider. To wit, if you just plan on having a website for your friends and family members, you can make do with a free web host. But if you have plans of attracting massive traffic and monetizing your website, you really need to invest in a paid hosting plan, as free hosts cannot accommodate your needs (and sometimes will actively prevent you from any attempt to earn a profit).

You can get FREE 6 months hosting with Prestige Technologies. You get all the privileges, features and freedom of a paid hosting service without the cost. Check it out here. (more…)

SEO on Free Hosting

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

SEO on free howtingThese days, getting good search engine rankings for websites on free hosting is almost impossible and the poor webmasters have to contend with a system that is naturally rigged against their favor. Of course, the option is to just get paid hosting and most webmasters do just that, but what are the alternatives? Is there a way to optimize a website that’s on free hosting and get it to rank well on search engines?

First, you have to understand why free hosting sites are at a disadvantage. It has to do with credibility. A lot of people these days have a belief that webmasters who don’t invest in paid hosting are not committed to their site. Add the fact that just about anybody can build a site on a free host and you have a recipe for general distrust as far as authority is concerned.

You can get free hosting for 6 months with Prestige Technologies. You can build a site and get it going before you spend any money on hosting. You get the credibility that comes with a paid hosting site without spending in the first six months.

However, it’s not all gloom and doom as sites on free hosting can and do come off as credible, even those that don’t have top level domains (Neil Gaiman used to host his blog on a free WordPress account before moving to his own domain, and one of the most successful marketers online, Seth Godin, started out his blog on a free Typepad account.)

With enough hard work and foreknowledge, you can get your site to rank well on search engines even if it’s hosted on a free provider, and yes – Search Engine Optimization is still worth it in your case. (more…)

Can Budget Web Hosting Affect SEO?

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Can Budget Web Hosting Affect SEO?It’s understandable that budget web hosting can be appealing to webmasters who want to make a profit online, especially because web hosting is a recurring expense for their business. But there is a caveat – budget web hosting can actually affect a website’s search engine rankings.

There’s nothing really alarming as the effects are nowhere near as bad as being outright flagged and “Google-slapped,” but people who want to make the most out of their websites when it comes to exposure should keep in mind that budget web hosting will affect your SEO efforts through the following things:

Page Speed

One of the things that cheap web hosts usually skimp on is bandwidth. They either throttle or shape the bandwidth of their servers, resulting in slow page loading, especially now that the size of files on the web has gone up. Unfortunately, speed has become an even more important factor for people especially as more and more of them have gotten high bandwidth Internet accounts. According to studies, 40% of people will abandon a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.

Sign up with Prestige Technologies and your first 6 months is free.


Choosing Cloud Web Hosting for Your Business

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

cloud web hostingNot many people realize that they’ve been taking advantage for cloud web hosting in their normal online activities, but it’s true. Many of the free services they use – such as webmail, social networks, and even free file storage – are already hosted on the cloud. However, many businesses with online extensions are still unable to take advantage of true cloud web hosting. This is because the hosting services they use don’t really use a cloud model.

Many hosting companies, particularly those still dealing with legacy hardware, tend to host their clients’ websites on server farms that have specific servers allotted per account. In the past, this is advantageous as clients can expect a 1:1 service, where they are basically renting an entire rack of servers for their website. But when the industry finally learned how to apply the cloud model, there were no more reasons why companies shouldn’t opt for cloud web hosting.

Click here to check Prestige Technologies’ Shared Hosting Plans. (more…)

Make Money with Reseller WebHosting

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

Make Money with Reseller WebHostingMost people believe that web hosting is a money sink, and that you have to either monetize a website or use it as an extension of a business in order to recoup all the time and money you’re going to invest. Reseller webhosting changes all that, as it proves that you can actually make money off web hosting even if you’re not monetizing your website.

Click here to check out our Reseller Hosting Plans.

What is Reseller Webhosting?

Reseller webhosting essentially works much like affiliate marketing, where you act as a middleman and sell a web host’s plans and packages to people. Payment for reseller webhosting usually comes in the form of commissions per sale, but there are companies that provide compensation “per eyeball,” which means you get a small amount everytime you refer someone who goes to their site and checks out their services. (more…)

Things to Consider Before You Get Business Web Hosting

Friday, July 26th, 2013

There is no denying that business web hosting is easily one of the most important parts to consider if you want to expand the reach and presence of your brand or company beyond the reach of conventional advertising. But finding good business web hosting can be tricky if you don’t know what to look for, so here is a list of things you want to check before signing up for a provider:

Up-Time or Server Availability

This is a critical factor to consider, since your clients and customers won’t be able to view your site or even contact you if the server is down. But you should be smart about believing website hosts’ claims. There’s no way that a business web hosting will be able to offer 100% uptime. Maintenance and patching, as well as the occasional hitches means that there will be unavoidable downtimes. While some hosts are able to promise – and deliver – 99.999% uptime, which roughly equates to five minutes and fifteen seconds of downtime per year, the most realistic uptime guarantee is 99.9%, which amounts to 8 hours and 45 minutes of downtime per year. (more…)

Making the Most Out of Very Cheap Web Hosting

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

Making the most out of very cheap web hostingIt’s understandable when people prefer very cheap web hosting to paid ones, despite all the advantages that an honest-to-goodness paid hosting plan provides. After all, not everybody wants to make a living off running a website, and in some cases very cheap web hosting providers actually make things simpler, allowing webmasters to focus on running a website instead of being mired in the backend side of things. However, very cheap web hosting usually comes with a few “catches” and you need to do a few things in order to make a most out of them, such as:

Conserve Bandwidth

Bandwidth costs money, and when you’re on a cheap or free host, you won’t have much bandwidth to go around with. This means you need to make the most out of it if you don’t want to greet your regular visitors with 404 errors or page is suspended prompts.

There are a lot of ways you can save on bandwidth, such as by being mindful of the images you use. Unless you really need the transparencies provided by PNG files, you’ll get much smaller file sizes without sacrificing quality by using JPG files. Images are easily the main culprits when it comes to unnecessarily wasting bandwidth on a site, as most people just upload and post pictures willy-nilly. This is fine if you’re on a paid host with unlimited resources, but on cheap hosting, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. (more…)