Posts Tagged ‘seo and hosting’

How Your Web Hosting Company Affects Your SEO

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

how your web hosting company affects your seoMatt Cutts stated that that your choice of a web hosting company actually affects website’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Google takes into consideration the location of the server. If the server is in the US, the search engine is inclined to believe that the websites hosted on that country is more relevant to users within US.

However, he was also clear that the location of the servers is not the only consideration. Below are some of the ways on how your web hosting company affects your SEO.


One of the most important things a site should have is speed. Website visitors, especially the first time visitors, will only give your site 7 seconds. If within 7 seconds your site does not load or they understand what you are offering or how they will get what they will need from you, they will leave.

In order to provide searchers with the best experience possible, search engines give a lot of weight to the speed of your site. If your web host gives you slow speed, your site will get pulled down lower regardless of how relevant your content is.

Prestige Technologies is one of the fastest web hosting companies in the US. You can try it out for FREE for six months. No credit card required.


Your site needs to build a good reputation. When your site keeps on bogging down, your rank will be affected. There is no web hosting company that will guarantee 100% uptime. Most of them will go for a 99.9% uptime. That 1% is just to cover their @ss because a power outage happens. When it does,

However, you need to find a web hosting company that has a redundant security feature. With a redundant security system, even when there is power outages or something goes wrong with their servers, transactions and queries will be automatically rerouted to their back up. Their back up should be able to a mirror. In other words, whatever their main servers can do, their back up system should be able to do too.

IP Reputation

Search engines give IPs a reputation. When too many compromised contents come from a certain IP, search engines will mark that IP. It is not true that all sites with that IP will be given a bad reputation BUT you will be kept on close watch.


Remember that no one thing will ever pull your site down. It is when you have a combination of these bad things that will make search engines pull your score down.

SEO on Free Hosting

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

SEO on free howtingThese days, getting good search engine rankings for websites on free hosting is almost impossible and the poor webmasters have to contend with a system that is naturally rigged against their favor. Of course, the option is to just get paid hosting and most webmasters do just that, but what are the alternatives? Is there a way to optimize a website that’s on free hosting and get it to rank well on search engines?

First, you have to understand why free hosting sites are at a disadvantage. It has to do with credibility. A lot of people these days have a belief that webmasters who don’t invest in paid hosting are not committed to their site. Add the fact that just about anybody can build a site on a free host and you have a recipe for general distrust as far as authority is concerned.

You can get free hosting for 6 months with Prestige Technologies. You can build a site and get it going before you spend any money on hosting. You get the credibility that comes with a paid hosting site without spending in the first six months.

However, it’s not all gloom and doom as sites on free hosting can and do come off as credible, even those that don’t have top level domains (Neil Gaiman used to host his blog on a free WordPress account before moving to his own domain, and one of the most successful marketers online, Seth Godin, started out his blog on a free Typepad account.)

With enough hard work and foreknowledge, you can get your site to rank well on search engines even if it’s hosted on a free provider, and yes – Search Engine Optimization is still worth it in your case. (more…)

Business Website Hosting SEO

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

Business Website Hosting SEOBusiness Website Hosting is one of the most important factors to consider if you want to build an online presence and another communication channel for your business, but equally important is SEO, because even the best business website hosting won’t do much if you have poor or no visibility on search engines.

Does Website Hosting Affect SEO?

Contrary to common belief, the web host you choose does play into your SEO strategy. Technically, choosing the right hosting company is not a 100% guarantee that you’ll be getting a boost in search engine rankings, but at the very least it means you can avoid the consequences of being saddled with a poor host. Make no mistake about it, a bad web hosting company will do a lot of damage to your search rankings, due to the following reasons:

Site Loading Speeds

Google has already publicly admitted that the loading speed of a website factors in when their search engine ranks websites, on the basis that users will most likely not appreciate being sent to sites that take a long time to load. Remember that a search engine’s job is to point users to websites that they want, and an unresponsive website doesn’t exactly meet the criteria, relevant content or not. (more…)