Choosing Cloud Web Hosting for Your Business
Tuesday, August 13th, 2013Not many people realize that they’ve been taking advantage for cloud web hosting in their normal online activities, but it’s true. Many of the free services they use – such as webmail, social networks, and even free file storage – are already hosted on the cloud. However, many businesses with online extensions are still unable to take advantage of true cloud web hosting. This is because the hosting services they use don’t really use a cloud model.
Many hosting companies, particularly those still dealing with legacy hardware, tend to host their clients’ websites on server farms that have specific servers allotted per account. In the past, this is advantageous as clients can expect a 1:1 service, where they are basically renting an entire rack of servers for their website. But when the industry finally learned how to apply the cloud model, there were no more reasons why companies shouldn’t opt for cloud web hosting.
Click here to check Prestige Technologies’ Shared Hosting Plans. (more…)