Archive for the ‘SEO’ Category

You Need Responsive Landing Pages

Wednesday, June 24th, 2015

You Need Responsive Landing Pages
Use Landing Pages with your email marketing campaigns!
So by now we all have read countless articles about Responsive Design, an approach to web creation that uses flexible layouts, images, and cascading style sheet media queries. It detects users’ screen sizes and mobile-device orientations and changes the layout accordingly using the same content and the same URL.

Mobile is a delivery mechanism through which your users devour content and take action. Marketers must deliver relevant subject matter if they want consumers to open their emails and click-through them.

However, your subscriber’s experience should not end with your email. It should continue onto the landing page. In many emails the entire point is to drive users to the landing page. In order to get your subscriber to act, you need to make the call-to-action clear; and even if your email is easy to interact with, if your landing page is not, your subscriber may lose interest. A loss of their attention can have a negative impact on your brand.

Your customers should never have to work to read your email. And guess what – most will not.

Did you know almost 50% percent of mobile device users say difficulties in viewing various non-responsive landing pages and websites are the main reason for leaving the page? Fifty percent of Google searches are done from mobile devices, (Google recently updated their search algorithm to benefit mobile-friendly web pages).

With responsive landing pages, your well-crafted calls-to-action are preserved. Responsive design landing pages adapt screen resolution for all devices, while providing long-term flexibility and meeting the needs of a wider audience.

Research shows that a mobile-specific landing page is a unique and simple landing page designed for mobile advertising. It incorporates all conversion best practices for hand-held devices and usually is hosted on a separate domain — ( The main goal of a mobile campaign is typically a call or an app download. However, user needs are changing and recent studies have shown mobile is being used as a research tool for top-of-the-funnel users.

Studies have found that responsive design significantly impacts your conversion rates. Sticking with nonresponsive design is costing you money.

So if you design a responsive email that goes to a nonresponsive landing page, your customers will not continue any further. You do not want your customers having to deal with a landing page that requires them to zoom, scroll, and become frustrated. Making your email and landing pages responsive will provide a positive user experience for your customers, no matter what type of device they are using. Go all in, and make all your digital resources responsive. This will increase your conversion rates and your sales.

Landing pages have limitless uses and landing pages should be used for all your email marketing campaign needs, but remember to match your message, in other words make sure your landing page reinforces the messaging presented on the link that was clicked to reach the page.

Be sure that people who fill out your landing page form can actually access the offer on a mobile device. Make your content mobile-friendly, and make sure the form on your landing page matches the goal you have for the page.

Don’t wait – become RESPONSIVE TODAY!

Want to learn more about our services? Call 888-519-2763 or 201-575-4759

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The Benefit of Google HTTPS Algorithm for Web Hosting Companies

Thursday, November 13th, 2014

Google has recently made a statement pointing to a new company outlook that safe websites provide a more secure and better internet on the whole, which means that they will provide search preference to sites that provide secure connection through HTTPS to their website visitors; the statement lead to speculations that Google may add a new ranking indicator that gives weight to sites that use HTTPS.

Logo Google 2013 Official

The search engine’s official blog made a statement that all but confirms all the speculations. According to their blog post:

“Over the past few months we’ve been running tests taking into account whether sites use secure, encrypted connections as a signal in our search ranking algorithms. We’ve seen positive results, so we’re starting to use HTTPS as a ranking signal.”

Google’s move is certainly one that is much-needed. And it shows because their announcement is met with favorable responses from many website owners and web hosts, a contrast to the furor that their algorithm changes and patches usually inspire on the web. However, while Google has not said anything that points to sites without HTTPS prefix suffering from any ranking drops, it is where things will naturally go if the rankings of HTTPS sites are elevated. (basically, they’re not dropping in rank, but everyone else will be elevated. It boils down to the same thing.)

Click here and try Prestige Technologies’ 6 months free hosting. No Credit Card required.

Google Web Designer: the Review

Monday, May 12th, 2014

Last October 2013, Google launched their WYSIWYG tool called the Google Web Designer, taking the market by surprise. The application is completely free and is targeted towards the development of HTML5 projects.

Click here to see some examples of websites that Prestige Technologies developed and understand what makes a successful website.

Google Web Designer couldn’t have come at a better time. For starters, Microsoft has already dropped their Expression Web Suit, and then Flash seems to have hit an impasse despite being the de facto standard for many advertising banners. The fact that Apple isn’t feeling any pressure to allow Flash on their iOS devices is indicative of the API’s future. Adobe is currently promoting Creative cloud, but it’s a paid service that can easily become expensive for casual users.

Setup and Installation

It may sound surprising given Google’s preference for web-based applications, but Google Web Designer is an installable application. There’s support for Windows 7 and newer, as well as Mac OS X 10.7 and newer. Similar to Google Chrome’s installer, Google Web Designer’s client is only a few hundred Kb but only serves as a downloader for the main installation files, so make sure you have an Internet connection at the ready when installing the application. (more…)

Make Your Web Site Readable By Visitors and Search Engines

Monday, May 5th, 2014

It’s true that a website’s main purpose is to be read by humans. There’s no sense in having a popular website if the content isn’t useful or even intelligible to people. However, to ignore search engines is equally foolish. Studies put search engine traffic as making up 90-98% of website traffic these days, so not ensuring that your site is readable by search engines is ensuring that you won’t get much human readers either. The proper approach is to treat them equally: make your website readable by visitors and search engines. Here are a few things you can do to ensure this:

To Make Your Website Readable to Humans:

1. Don’t use too many font sizes – the purpose of using differently sized fonts is to guide a reader’s eyes to specific parts of a text. If you have way too many differently sized text in your copy, a reader’s eyes will be constantly distracted and guided towards unnecessary directions. There’s no easier way of making a site look cluttered than by using differently sized fonts on the same page.

Emercury is one of the few web hosting company that help sites we host create a user- and search engine-friendly websites FOR FREE. Click here and learn more about it. (more…)

Do’s and Don’ts of Securing a Domain Name

Saturday, March 15th, 2014

One of the most important things you need to do if you are ever serious about starting a website is get your own domain name. Having your own domain name is not only good in establishing your website’s identity and credibility, it also gives you a lot of freedom and minimizes the risk of losing your audience if you ever need to move to a different host.

However, there are certain things that you need to keep in mind when choosing a domain name. Remember that you’ll be stuck with it for a long time, so you have to make sure you pick the one that is perfect for your website. A mistake during the choosing stage can be costly or even irreparable after a year or so. If you want to avoid this scenario, you should consider the following DOs and DONTs of securing a domain name:

Do: Incorporate a Location or a Keyword in Your Domain Name

There are a number of good reasons why you should incorporate a location or a keyword in your domain name. First is that there is a big chance that the domain name you had in mind is already taken. Instead of choosing a different name, you can instead use a location or a keyword to differentiate yourself from the others. Additionally, it will help you attract traffic from people who are specifically looking for businesses based on location. (more…)

Make Sure Your Website is Ready for Our Multi-screen World

Thursday, February 27th, 2014
We live in a multi-screen world, smart phones, iPads, iPods, MacBooks, etc. — every single one is capable of browsing the internet. Add that to the fact each one has a different resolution. As a result, many of the modern web designers and marketers are not sure what to do.

Statistics suggest mobile traffic is going to continue to increase:

56% of American adults are now Smartphone owners.

75% of Americans bring their phones to the bathroom.

Retailers’ apps with store mode gather five times more engagement.

By the end of 2013, there were more mobile devices on Earth than people.

80% of Smartphone owners want more mobile-optimized product information while they’re shopping in stores.

40% of shoppers consult three or more channels before purchase, compared to 10% in 2002.

Within five years, half of today’s Smartphone users will be using mobile wallets as their preferred payments method.

Consumers are spending 127 minutes per day on mobile apps.

Cyber Monday sales are up 30% and mobile sales up 96% since 2011.

Mobile searches related to restaurants have a conversion rate of 90% with 64% converting within the hour.

4 out of 5 consumers use Smartphones to shop.

More than 25 percent of consumers engage in online shopping only via mobile.

More than 57 percent of consumers will not recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site. Similarly, more than 40 percent of consumers will go to a competitor’s site after a bad mobile experience.

What are we supposed to do with all of these options available for Internet enabled devices? The idea of targeting specific devices and resolutions today is absurd.  There are more resolutions, phones, and platforms then you can list. By the time you finish designing and coding for each device, your website is out of date.

Here are some quick/simple fixes you should consider:

Avoid Flash, QuickTime, or any other plug-in that might not be available to a mobile user.

Do not exceed 960px wide or people will be scrolling forever.

Do not use fonts smaller then 11px.

Make sure primary site navigation is large.

Here are some long-term solutions to adopt:

Responsive Design is a viable solution. The idea to build a single web property that has the ability to dynamically change its display based on the device. This applies to low-resolution devices and high-resolution devices.

Remember when you are viewing a Responsive Designed site it is still the same website, but no matter what device your end customer is using the site is optimized. Responsive Design is the idea of having a single website that renders well on a multitude of devices.

Responsive design begins with your website, but becomes a part of your marketing strategy. How? The first step when contemplating a redesign of your website using responsive design is to look at your analytics. What types of devices are your visitors using to access your site? If your traffic has changed and they are now using tablets and mobile devices to access your site, you will benefit from a responsive website.

Here are six positive effectsincreased conversions, lower bounce rates, increased page rank, a stronger online presence, decreased development costs, and a competitive advantage.

The worst thing you can do is absolutely nothing.

This might sound obvious, but less than 10% of the ‘Top Million Websites’ were mobile ready less than two years ago. As Smartphones, tablets, etc. continue to proliferate, the failure to provide for these visitors will mean you risk alienating a significant portion of your target market.

Also do not make assumptions about the behavior of mobile users; or that mobile users are ‘on the move’. Did you know that 40% of mobile searches have local intent? Google showed that almost 80% of mobile searches occur at home or work.

Make sure your decisions about how to treat mobile visitors are based on actual data; in other words Test and Track. You cannot figure out how your mobile visitors are behaving if you do not track them separately from desktop visitors. You need to segment out the mobile visit data in order to make informed decisions.

Did You Know? Taken individually, spending on tablets increased 87.6% from the end of 2012 compared to the end of 2013, while the increase on Smartphones was 118.1% in the same period.

Transform Your Website in 2014

Thursday, January 16th, 2014
Another new year means more change, and 2014 promises to be a year of transformation for website design.

2013 had some website design advancements. However, this year promises to be more active. Here are some web design trends for 2014:

Flat Design

Flat designs are straightforward and cleaner. Flat design includes blocks of colors, strong lines, tiles, and imaginative typography. Flat screen web design offers a simpler user experience. The concept behind this is enhancing the 2D screen so you avoid the website from looking three dimensional. The flat design eschews 3D and shading techniques for flat colors, simple layouts, and a less cluttered look. The effect of this design is a sleek interface.

When we reduce the amount of visual encumbrance, websites provide a better experience for site viewers. By simplifying the experience, the customer’s mind is free to think about purchase decisions or valuable content, which means improved revenue and brand impact. If you have not thought about flat design – you should.


During the embryonic phase of the internet, text was rendered almost entirely in the system default font. Then designs were limited to the fonts available on personal computers. In time, solutions were developed to load fonts for users. With this greater flexibility in design came a greater responsibility on the part of designers to use the resources available to them. Today, designers are recognizing the importance of typography in conveying brand message and improving usability. Websites and web applications will have to continue to adapt to mobile screen sizes. Tablets and other such devices have comparably different reading experiences and navigation than standard personal computers. One of the major issues with websites and web applications viewed via mobile, stems from the difficulty of reading text. To help solve this challenge in 2014, web developers will begin experimenting with the size, location, and layout of type-based content.

One page websites –

A single page website is simpler to use and navigate. They are the latest trend many are considering. The fact remains simpler websites with higher resolution images can attract the attention of the users and convert visitors into your consumers.

Less Content –

Those who visit your website (most likely) only read a few lines on a page. Leading web designers are eliminating content on their sites. The first couple of paragraphs on the pages should be enticing, well-laid out, and convey your message effectively and efficiently. However, do not go overboard and inundate your visitors with text-heavy pages – you will lose them.

Scrolling to Sections –

Web developers have given a gift to users who are sick and tired of incessant scrolling – visitors wanting information without scrolling can simply click on links that move the page down to the desired section. This creates an easy-to-use and overall pleasant experience, for the browser.

Photography –

Now that we have better displays and high-resolution mobile devices controlling the market, website designers are employing alluring, large-format photographic backgrounds. However, remember the devices which these are viewed necessitate accommodations in order to optimize effectiveness. An image, presented in one format on a desktop should present in a comparable style on mobile sites, for brand identity.

Keep in mind a well-designed website is worthless if it is not well-developed – S.E.O., S.M.O., mobile, responsive, etc.

Responsive design was one of the leading trends in web and mobile development during the past two years. Designing and coding for mobile, as well as personal computers is familiar to all in the industry now; however, the line between mobile and desktop experiences still is not clearly defined. Experts say as a result of this ambiguity, throughout 2014, we can expect websites to seem much more like applications.

*Did You Know? Online shoppers in the United States will spend more than $327 billion in 2016.

Tis the Season to Be Prepared

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013
It is that time of year again – the holiday season is almost upon us – beginning with Black Friday and Cyber Monday! Are you prepared?

However, sales start far ahead of Black Friday (Thanksgiving or before), while Cyber Monday is a little more defined, as people get back to work.

Research indicates that social media drove .34% of online sales during Black Friday; on Cyber Monday, social drove .41% of online sales. This means four of every one-thousand transactions were attributable to social media. However, businesses should not solely rely on social media to drive holiday sales.

Mobile accounted for 24% of all e-commerce purchases on Black Friday and 18% of all e-commerce purchases on Cyber Monday.

This validates the growing amount of computing that takes place on mobile devices. Mobile optimization of e-commerce sites and emails should be an important consideration for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Of course, this should be the case in general. You need to make sure that a customer can purchase using their mobile device as easily as they could buy stuff on their PC.

Consumers were most likely to purchase in response to two things in 2012 — discounts and free shipping. All businesses need to consider promoting these and additional deals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, on their website and through email marketing.

You should be accumulating a database of email addresses through your website, and you should definitely be sending email newsletter campaigns and offers to advertise Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals on a weekly, if not daily basis.

Online press releases are also a tool you can employ to increase your website’s exposure. You can send a press release for Black Friday and additional holiday promotions.

Never underestimate word of mouth marketing –asking people to visit your website for quality deals should not be undervalued. Having a website URL that can be emailed, posted on social sites, or otherwise communicated is a simple, but effective strategy.

The goal should be to use your holiday season activity to acquire consent and information you will transform into sales in 2014. The easier you make it for your customers and prospects to achieve their objectives, the more they will be loyal to your business. They will remember the positive experiences when things settle down after the holidays.

Do not forget to capture email addresses and permissions by offering a free gift, discount, or bonus for people to opt in to your email programs. The email obtained today can become future profit.

Use Black Friday and Cyber Monday to bring people back for more. Create triggered email messages that do more than provide status updates. Educating customers about your products and services improves their experience and your revenue.

Plan your follow-up, so you do not neglect your customers, which is paramount just like good service. Create customized follow-up website and email strategies targeting specific customers.

So here are some things to consider for this holiday season.

The mobile focus will intensify during the holidays. The National Retail Federation is forecasting mobile to drive e-commerce sales gains of between 13 and 15%. Last year, e-commerce sales increased 15.5%. They are predicting retail sales to gain only 3.9% as the United States economy continues to improve, however, online sales across-the-board, and mobile sales more specifically, should be very positive.

Did You Know? According to data published by the National Retail Federation, more than 35 million Americans visited retailers’ stores and websites during Thanksgiving, 2012 – up from 29 million in 2011.

How Your Web Hosting Company Affects Your SEO

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

how your web hosting company affects your seoMatt Cutts stated that that your choice of a web hosting company actually affects website’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Google takes into consideration the location of the server. If the server is in the US, the search engine is inclined to believe that the websites hosted on that country is more relevant to users within US.

However, he was also clear that the location of the servers is not the only consideration. Below are some of the ways on how your web hosting company affects your SEO.


One of the most important things a site should have is speed. Website visitors, especially the first time visitors, will only give your site 7 seconds. If within 7 seconds your site does not load or they understand what you are offering or how they will get what they will need from you, they will leave.

In order to provide searchers with the best experience possible, search engines give a lot of weight to the speed of your site. If your web host gives you slow speed, your site will get pulled down lower regardless of how relevant your content is.

Prestige Technologies is one of the fastest web hosting companies in the US. You can try it out for FREE for six months. No credit card required.


Your site needs to build a good reputation. When your site keeps on bogging down, your rank will be affected. There is no web hosting company that will guarantee 100% uptime. Most of them will go for a 99.9% uptime. That 1% is just to cover their @ss because a power outage happens. When it does,

However, you need to find a web hosting company that has a redundant security feature. With a redundant security system, even when there is power outages or something goes wrong with their servers, transactions and queries will be automatically rerouted to their back up. Their back up should be able to a mirror. In other words, whatever their main servers can do, their back up system should be able to do too.

IP Reputation

Search engines give IPs a reputation. When too many compromised contents come from a certain IP, search engines will mark that IP. It is not true that all sites with that IP will be given a bad reputation BUT you will be kept on close watch.


Remember that no one thing will ever pull your site down. It is when you have a combination of these bad things that will make search engines pull your score down.

SEO on Free Hosting

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

SEO on free howtingThese days, getting good search engine rankings for websites on free hosting is almost impossible and the poor webmasters have to contend with a system that is naturally rigged against their favor. Of course, the option is to just get paid hosting and most webmasters do just that, but what are the alternatives? Is there a way to optimize a website that’s on free hosting and get it to rank well on search engines?

First, you have to understand why free hosting sites are at a disadvantage. It has to do with credibility. A lot of people these days have a belief that webmasters who don’t invest in paid hosting are not committed to their site. Add the fact that just about anybody can build a site on a free host and you have a recipe for general distrust as far as authority is concerned.

You can get free hosting for 6 months with Prestige Technologies. You can build a site and get it going before you spend any money on hosting. You get the credibility that comes with a paid hosting site without spending in the first six months.

However, it’s not all gloom and doom as sites on free hosting can and do come off as credible, even those that don’t have top level domains (Neil Gaiman used to host his blog on a free WordPress account before moving to his own domain, and one of the most successful marketers online, Seth Godin, started out his blog on a free Typepad account.)

With enough hard work and foreknowledge, you can get your site to rank well on search engines even if it’s hosted on a free provider, and yes – Search Engine Optimization is still worth it in your case. (more…)