Archive for the ‘Mobile Sites’ Category

You Need Responsive Landing Pages

Wednesday, June 24th, 2015

You Need Responsive Landing Pages
Use Landing Pages with your email marketing campaigns!
So by now we all have read countless articles about Responsive Design, an approach to web creation that uses flexible layouts, images, and cascading style sheet media queries. It detects users’ screen sizes and mobile-device orientations and changes the layout accordingly using the same content and the same URL.

Mobile is a delivery mechanism through which your users devour content and take action. Marketers must deliver relevant subject matter if they want consumers to open their emails and click-through them.

However, your subscriber’s experience should not end with your email. It should continue onto the landing page. In many emails the entire point is to drive users to the landing page. In order to get your subscriber to act, you need to make the call-to-action clear; and even if your email is easy to interact with, if your landing page is not, your subscriber may lose interest. A loss of their attention can have a negative impact on your brand.

Your customers should never have to work to read your email. And guess what – most will not.

Did you know almost 50% percent of mobile device users say difficulties in viewing various non-responsive landing pages and websites are the main reason for leaving the page? Fifty percent of Google searches are done from mobile devices, (Google recently updated their search algorithm to benefit mobile-friendly web pages).

With responsive landing pages, your well-crafted calls-to-action are preserved. Responsive design landing pages adapt screen resolution for all devices, while providing long-term flexibility and meeting the needs of a wider audience.

Research shows that a mobile-specific landing page is a unique and simple landing page designed for mobile advertising. It incorporates all conversion best practices for hand-held devices and usually is hosted on a separate domain — ( The main goal of a mobile campaign is typically a call or an app download. However, user needs are changing and recent studies have shown mobile is being used as a research tool for top-of-the-funnel users.

Studies have found that responsive design significantly impacts your conversion rates. Sticking with nonresponsive design is costing you money.

So if you design a responsive email that goes to a nonresponsive landing page, your customers will not continue any further. You do not want your customers having to deal with a landing page that requires them to zoom, scroll, and become frustrated. Making your email and landing pages responsive will provide a positive user experience for your customers, no matter what type of device they are using. Go all in, and make all your digital resources responsive. This will increase your conversion rates and your sales.

Landing pages have limitless uses and landing pages should be used for all your email marketing campaign needs, but remember to match your message, in other words make sure your landing page reinforces the messaging presented on the link that was clicked to reach the page.

Be sure that people who fill out your landing page form can actually access the offer on a mobile device. Make your content mobile-friendly, and make sure the form on your landing page matches the goal you have for the page.

Don’t wait – become RESPONSIVE TODAY!

Want to learn more about our services? Call 888-519-2763 or 201-575-4759

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Is Your Website Mobile Ready?

Friday, May 1st, 2015

Is Your Site Mobile Friendly?

Google Mobile Search Ranking Update

Build Responsively


That is the name many search engine professionals use to refer to Google’s new algorithm intended to reward mobile-friendly web pages. Google announced this algorithmic change so publishers could have time to make their websites mobile friendly. Well, the grace period is over, so … you need to react today! Google’s algorithm will take into account the mobile-friendliness of a website in deciding how high it appears in search results.

Research shows it can be anywhere from a few hours to more than 72-hours for Google to show web pages as mobile friendly. Since you now know this, it is imperative you make sure your most important pages are indexed as mobile friendly.

It is reported that websites not compatible with mobile devices will appear lower in Google search rankings. You cannot afford to ignore the adverse effects this could have on your revenue. Companies who are not ready need to rectify their situation.

According to Google’s numbers, about 50 percent of searches happen on mobile devices. However, the user experience is not as smooth as it is on desktops. Industry leaders know that by advancing the mobile web experience, Google makes its mobile search engine more pleasing.

It is crystal clear – your pages are either mobile friendly or they are not. Google recommends using its mobile-friendly URL testing tool to determine whether your site and pages are “Google-ready.”

This new technology will only impact mobile searchers and will have no impact on your desktop rankings. Also, this only impacts searches done on mobile smartphone devices, not tablets.

It should be noted that emails are also impacting SERPs (a search engine results page). Since mobile email opens have grown by 180% in three years, Google wants to take advantage of this increased engagement on mobile devices.

Remember, at the end of the day, relevancy is more important than merely addressing mobile algorithms. In other words, adjusting to the new mobile rules is a must, but there are additional elements your website needs to survive in this new era. Let us assist you.

today to get a FREE quote and get your site mobile-friendly!

TEST NOW and see if your website is mobile-friendly –

Want to learn more about our services? Call 888-519-2763 or 201-575-4759

© 2002-2015 Prestige Technologies, LLC All Rights Reserved | New Jersey

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Are Hosting Providers Benefiting From the Mobile Commerce Boom?

Monday, December 29th, 2014

Forksquare map viewThese past few years, the prevalence of mobile devices have led to the rise of mobile commerce all over the globe, as more and more individuals started accessing the Internet and doing their online transactions over smartphones or tablets compared to desktops. This has prompted the need for mobile compatible websites, and many businesses have launched mobile versions of their sites or implemented dynamic layouts that ensure mobile users still get the best possible experience browsing the sites.

While a good number of businesses are starting to reap the rewards of targeting mobile users, it is surprising that mobile users seem to be left behind. For example, many hosting providers provide treat mobile and desktop versions of websites as the same, even though mobile sites need to have much faster caching and load times because the devices used to access them have a shortage of processing power.

Click here and sign up for Prestige Technologies’ 6 months free plan. You will get all the benefits of a paid plan for FREE. NO credit card required. (more…)

Google Web Designer: the Review

Monday, May 12th, 2014

Last October 2013, Google launched their WYSIWYG tool called the Google Web Designer, taking the market by surprise. The application is completely free and is targeted towards the development of HTML5 projects.

Click here to see some examples of websites that Prestige Technologies developed and understand what makes a successful website.

Google Web Designer couldn’t have come at a better time. For starters, Microsoft has already dropped their Expression Web Suit, and then Flash seems to have hit an impasse despite being the de facto standard for many advertising banners. The fact that Apple isn’t feeling any pressure to allow Flash on their iOS devices is indicative of the API’s future. Adobe is currently promoting Creative cloud, but it’s a paid service that can easily become expensive for casual users.

Setup and Installation

It may sound surprising given Google’s preference for web-based applications, but Google Web Designer is an installable application. There’s support for Windows 7 and newer, as well as Mac OS X 10.7 and newer. Similar to Google Chrome’s installer, Google Web Designer’s client is only a few hundred Kb but only serves as a downloader for the main installation files, so make sure you have an Internet connection at the ready when installing the application. (more…)

Smartphone Spyware for Business

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

The fact that mobile users now outnumber PC users coupled with many businesses adopting BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies has given cyber criminals an extra incentive to go after smartphones. The rise of spyware on smartphones is faster has made it dangerous for people to do their work on their phones without using an anti-malware and following some safety precautions, such as:

Setting a Password

You would be surprised how many people choose not to set a password for their phone, on the reasoning that they’re always carrying the phone anyway, so there’s no risk of someone gaining access to their personal info. However, they fail to understand that the minor inconvenience of typing a password every time they want to wake their phones up is not worth the trouble of getting their identity stolen and their business’ security compromised when (not if) they lose their phone through some accident. A password will go a long way in protecting critical business information on your smartphone, especially with newer smartphones that will wipe out and reset the phone to factory settings in the event of brute force attacks.

Click here and try out Prestige Technologies free hosting for 6 months. Prestige Technologies equip all its websites with unprecedented security features.

Install Security Software

As proof that smartphone security is a big issue, formerly PC-only security companies have started developing security apps for smartphones. These companies include popular names like Norton and AVG. Like their PC counterparts, there are free suites available and premium ones, so you don’t even need to spend money to get protection (although you need to spend a little bit in order to get the best protection possible.) (more…)