How Your Website May be Infected By a Malware and How Prestige Helps
These days, majority of users have already learned how to avoid malware. They have antivirus and antispyware programs on their PCs, and they no longer open suspicious attachments (on the rare occasions that one gets through the spam filters.) Only a select few, mostly novice users, get tricked by conventional malware, which is why malware authors have decided to bypass user mistakes and devised Drive-By Downloads, wherein they infect server hosts, which then infect users who unknowingly browse the websites hosted on said servers.
Why Getting Your Website Infected by Malware is Bad
It may seem like common sense – of course, getting your website infected by malware is bad, because you’re hurting your users and you’re helping proliferate harmful code all over the Internet. But even if you don’t care about your users (and we hope you do), it is worth noting that a compromised website will be useless for business because search engines – particularly Google – can detect if your site is infected, and will delist it from their database. With your website practically invisible to search, your traffic will disappear and you’ll have a useless website that nobody sees. It is therefore always in your best interest to maintain a malware-free website.
How Your Website Can Be Infected
The main problem with infected websites is that it is usually out of the hands of the website owner. It’s common practice to ensure that all your PC is secure and that you don’t use weak passwords for your website control panel, but that’s usually not the way malware authors use to inject malicious code into websites. Remember the recent problem with the Heartbleed Bug? Where major web sites and services are affected because the Structured Quere Language (SQL) platform itself has an exploitable vulnerability? That is a big problem because the problem wasn’t caused by user neglect, nor can it be fixed by user diligence. It is up to the service providers in this case, which is where Prestige comes in.
How Prestige Helps Protect Your Website from Malware
As mentioned above, majority of malware from websites got in due to vulnerabilities on the host’s side – from weak security on their end to use of outdated and vulnerable software. With Prestige, we have a round-the-clock team that maintains our servers and provides warm body technical support, so that vulnerabilities and exploits are patched as soon as they are discovered and that updates and fixes to our software are done in a timely manner, greatly reducing the risk of 0-day attacks.
Additionally, Prestige Hosting’s team constantly monitor incoming and outgoing traffic in order to catch suspicious activities as they happen, greatly mitigating the possibility of attacks – even brute force ones – from succeeding. With Prestige Hosting, there is no need to worry about being vulnerable to website malware from the host’s side.
Tags: website security
October 6th, 2014 at 6:32 am
[…] The reason for why most cheap web hosts tend to go out of business is subject for another post. This time around, we here at Prestige Technologies are more interested in helping people bounce back when their old web host goes out of business. Besides moving to Prestige, here are some things you need to keep in mind: […]