How a DNS Can Help Your Business Grow (Part 2 of 2)
Wednesday, August 27th, 2014In the previous post, we’ve outlined a way on how DNS can aid in your business’ growth, with the chief method being efficient management of your traffic via weighted load balancing and automated failover, both of which ensure that visitors of your company website will never experience slow loading or dropped requests. This is very useful in helping your business grow because it prevents loss of sales due to an inaccessible website (which could be a point of sale or a marketing channel.)
For this post, we’re going to outline several more ways a DNS can help your business grow:
Localize DNS Responses via Origin-Dependent Routing
Origin-Dependent Routing is essentially another means of managing traffic, but this time it is based on the geographic origin of the request. But instead of assigning a weight to each stream or monitoring failure points, an origin-dependent routing system just monitors the geographic location of the request based on the DNS and sends it to a resource that is based within the same region or the nearest one. For example, if a user from Sweden tries to access your website, the network routes said traffic to a server based in Sweden or somewhere near, instead of letting it go through a server from China or Thailand.
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