Use Rank Ranger Risk Index to Alert you to Major SERP Changes

Search engine optimizationThe recent Google Panda refresh not only brings the infamous algorithm to 4.0, it also heralds a new direction in which updates to the algorithm will happen on a regular and unannounced basis. This means your SERPs could change any time without any warning, so it has become important to stay on top and get alerted to major SERP changes. Thankfully, Rank Ranger’s Risk Index can do the job for you.

How it Works

The Rank Ranger Risk Index is able to measure fluctuations in the SERPs for more than 10 thousand domains and keywords, which are monitored daily. The rankings can be brought up on any particular date, with higher risk indexes showing more movements in the SERPs. If you see any alarming fluctuations, then you can go ahead and check your rankings just to see if any specific action is required on your end.

Rank Ranger monitors sites that are more likely to be using SEO strategies that run the gamut, from white hat to black hat and everything in between. This makes it more likely to catch major algorithm changes from Google, particularly ones that hit one camp over the other.

Another use to Rank Ranger is it lets you spot trends in SEO, if there’s a new strategy that’s been showing a good increase in webmasters’ traffic. From there, you can decide whether it’s something that you should adopt or something that’s going to be on Google’s chopping blocks soon (and should therefore be avoided.)

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Rank Ranger has a wordpress plugin that you can use to integrate the rank ranger risk index into your own admin dashboard, allowing you to tell at a glance whether major changes are afoot every time you log in to your wordpress CMS. You can get the wordpress plugin here:

Other Useful Features of Rank Ranger

1. Competitor Tracking – in any business, it is important to always take a look at how your competitors are doing, just to see if there’s anything you can do to avoid being left behind or to prevent anyone from taking over. Rank Ranger allows tracking of up to 3 SERPs from competitors.

2. Extensive Reports – Rank Ranger provides a comprehensive reporting environment that can be integrated with Google Analytics or exported into various formats, which allows traffic statistics to be presented in an easy to understand and organized form.

3. Google Analytics – Rank Ranger can seamlessly integrate with Google Analytics, ensuring compatibility with the search engine that has the largest market share and the biggest advertising program in the industry. This is particularly useful for planning marketing strategies and presenting reports that outline market share for different keywords.

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