There are many ways to earn money online, but one of the most effective – though underrated – ones is starting a reseller hosting business. Being a web hosting reseller is essentially acting as a middleman for hosting companies: you sell their hosting packages and either get a commission or get free hosting.
Another form of reseller hosting, and one that is preferred by many hosting companies, is to buy a large hosting package from a hosting company upfront, then sell off pieces of it to other people for a profit. With this way, people can even build their own hosting company simply by reselling another company’s hosting services.

The beauty of reseller hosting is that there are many ways to earn money, not just through direct commissions. Read on if you wish to find out how to start your own reseller hosting business:
“Flip” Websites
As mentioned above, some hosting companies offer free hosting as an incentive instead of direct commissions. You can still make money of this, simply by building quality websites on said free hosting, and buying your own domain for it. Once it gets big enough or popular enough, you can sell the domain name (and the website’s files) to other people.
Sell Ad Space
Similar to flipping websites, but instead of selling the domain once it gets popular enough, you just sell ad space on the website. You can intersperse your client’s ads with ads for your own host reselling business to keep everything running well. One thing you have to keep in mind is that the original hosting provider might not allow you to sell ad space on the free hosting service that they are giving you, so you might want to check out the TOS first.
Click here and learn about Prestige Technologies’ reseller hosting plans and how you can maximize your earnings through it.
Of course, there’s more to reseller hosting than just going ahead with the deed. If you really want to make a profit, you should keep the following things in mind:
1. Choose a Great Hosting Company – a business’ chances of success is only as good as the product or service that it’s trying to sell, so right from the start you have to ensure that the hosting service you’re hawking is really worth the price you’re asking. And the only way you can ensure that is by choosing a great hosting company.
2. Learn How to Provide Good Customer Support – it’s true that customer support will eventually be up to the original hosting provider if it’s matters that are completely out of your hands, but you should still learn how to be the middleman and the first point of contact in case your customers have any problems.
3. Treat it Like a Business – this may seem like a common advice, but many would-be resellers forget this, probably owing to the fact that reseller hosting seems like you’re getting a lot of returns for very little effort. They tend to get lazy, or they stop caring whether the customers are getting a good service as long as they get paid. Soon, everything falls apart and they run away with whatever they have, when simply caring from the start would have let them continue reselling hosting packages indefinitely.