Archive for June, 2014

Security Threat: Offsite Backup in Bitly Security Breach

Wednesday, June 18th, 2014

For a long time now, offsite backups are considered as very secure and safe from infiltrators, as they only ever target the main servers and on-site backups because that’s where the payoffs are. However, URL shortening service Bitly has recently revealed that an unauthorized individual may have compromised an offsite database backup service that hosts their user details.

Bitly was made aware of the breach on May 8, when the security team of another technology company informed them of the breach. Bitly CTO Rob Platzer reveals in a blog post that they are confident that no external connections were made to their own production user database, and that their network has not been breached by any unauthorized individuals.

Click here and learn about the redundant security and back up system of Prestige Technologies. Sign up and automatically get your first 6 months free. No credit card required.

However, the third party security team saw that they have an unusually large amount of traffic from their offsite database backup storage, with the access not being initiated by anyone from Bitly. (more…)

Manage Your Company’s Digital Move

Monday, June 16th, 2014

One of the odd things about enterprises these days is that they recognize the need to digitize, but they go about it in such a roughshod and disorganized way that it creates a lot of wasteful spending, wreaking havoc on their IT budget. With different departments usually implementing digitization on their own, resulting in islands of digitized departments for engineering, production and operations, R & D, knowledge work, and even customer interaction. In order to avoid these largely inefficient moves to being digital, companies usually take one of these approaches:


This approach is used by enterprises in order to make the move centralized upon one focal point, consolidating key assets such as people, data, infrastructure, skills and management processes. This is done by bringing all digitization investments together under one key executive.


This approach is done when the organization doesn’t want to disrupt the structure too much, instead adding mechanisms that will help increase coordination of the big digital investments, usually through engineering, operations, product owners and other enterprise groups. Aside from minimizing disruption, it also helps units work together in the delivery of enterprise goals.

Click here and learn about the tools and services that Prestige Technologies extends to help your business digitize faster. You can get 6 months free. No credit card required. (more…)

Starting a Reseller Hosting Business

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

There are many ways to earn money online, but one of the most effective – though underrated – ones is starting a reseller hosting business. Being a web hosting reseller is essentially acting as a middleman for hosting companies: you sell their hosting packages and either get a commission or get free hosting.

Another form of reseller hosting, and one that is preferred by many hosting companies, is to buy a large hosting package from a hosting company upfront, then sell off pieces of it to other people for a profit. With this way, people can even build their own hosting company simply by reselling another company’s hosting services.

The beauty of reseller hosting is that there are many ways to earn money, not just through direct commissions. Read on if you wish to find out how to start your own reseller hosting business:

“Flip” Websites

As mentioned above, some hosting companies offer free hosting as an incentive instead of direct commissions. You can still make money of this, simply by building quality websites on said free hosting, and buying your own domain for it. Once it gets big enough or popular enough, you can sell the domain name (and the website’s files) to other people.

Sell Ad Space

Similar to flipping websites, but instead of selling the domain once it gets popular enough, you just sell ad space on the website. You can intersperse your client’s ads with ads for your own host reselling business to keep everything running well. One thing you have to keep in mind is that the original hosting provider might not allow you to sell ad space on the free hosting service that they are giving you, so you might want to check out the TOS first.

Click here and learn about Prestige Technologies’ reseller hosting plans and how you can maximize your earnings through it.

Of course, there’s more to reseller hosting than just going ahead with the deed. If you really want to make a profit, you should keep the following things in mind:

1. Choose a Great Hosting Company – a business’ chances of success is only as good as the product or service that it’s trying to sell, so right from the start you have to ensure that the hosting service you’re hawking is really worth the price you’re asking. And the only way you can ensure that is by choosing a great hosting company.

2. Learn How to Provide Good Customer Support – it’s true that customer support will eventually be up to the original hosting provider if it’s matters that are completely out of your hands, but you should still learn how to be the middleman and the first point of contact in case your customers have any problems.

3. Treat it Like a Business – this may seem like a common advice, but many would-be resellers forget this, probably owing to the fact that reseller hosting seems like you’re getting a lot of returns for very little effort. They tend to get lazy, or they stop caring whether the customers are getting a good service as long as they get paid. Soon, everything falls apart and they run away with whatever they have, when simply caring from the start would have let them continue reselling hosting packages indefinitely.

Use Rank Ranger Risk Index to Alert you to Major SERP Changes

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

Search engine optimizationThe recent Google Panda refresh not only brings the infamous algorithm to 4.0, it also heralds a new direction in which updates to the algorithm will happen on a regular and unannounced basis. This means your SERPs could change any time without any warning, so it has become important to stay on top and get alerted to major SERP changes. Thankfully, Rank Ranger’s Risk Index can do the job for you.

How it Works

The Rank Ranger Risk Index is able to measure fluctuations in the SERPs for more than 10 thousand domains and keywords, which are monitored daily. The rankings can be brought up on any particular date, with higher risk indexes showing more movements in the SERPs. If you see any alarming fluctuations, then you can go ahead and check your rankings just to see if any specific action is required on your end.

Rank Ranger monitors sites that are more likely to be using SEO strategies that run the gamut, from white hat to black hat and everything in between. This makes it more likely to catch major algorithm changes from Google, particularly ones that hit one camp over the other.

Another use to Rank Ranger is it lets you spot trends in SEO, if there’s a new strategy that’s been showing a good increase in webmasters’ traffic. From there, you can decide whether it’s something that you should adopt or something that’s going to be on Google’s chopping blocks soon (and should therefore be avoided.)

Prestige Technologies goes beyond web hosting. We provide you tools and assistance to help you boost your business via your website. Click here and sign up for our free 6 months hosting. No credit card required. (more…)

How to get your site Online FAST When Your Web Host goes Down

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

RacksserverIf you already have an active site with a decent amount of regular traffic, you know that switching servers can be troublesome. It takes at least 24 hours for your domain to propagate to the new servers so there’s always going to be downtime on the visitor’s side. The revenue and potential new visitors you could lose from such a downtime is no joke, but has been accepted as the norm and a necessary cost of moving servers. However, there is a way for you to switch servers without waiting more than a few minutes for the domain to propagate to the new one.

However, this is not something that you could do at the last minute. You have to do some things in advance (or before you have a need to switch servers.) You need to follow these steps to the letter:

Click here and try Prestige Technologies’ 6 months free hosting. No Credit Card required.

1. Make sure the host you are currently on uses cPanel with full standard backups.
2. Keep a recent copy of the cPanel backup on your desktop or on a remote server like Amazon S3.
3. Set up CloudFlare directly via CloudFlare itself, don’t use the hosts cPanel. (more…)

Everything You Need to Know About Reseller Hosting

Monday, June 2nd, 2014

Reseller Hosting is basically when you sell a parent web hosting company’s resources as your own. Many web hosting companies provide reseller packages, where you buy the plan from them and then resell chunks of it to other people for a profit. Some people choose to resell it as is, while other people create their own reseller hosting companies and sell it from there.

There are also hosts that choose to contract with the reseller and just charge on a per client basis, so that everytime a new client is added, the host will charge at a certain rate. There are others that offer various packages. While features may vary between different hosting companies, there are common factors that you should take a note of, such as:

1. Ability to Rebrand the Hosting Packages – it is important that you only get reseller hosting packages from companies that allow you to sell it under your own brand or company, making the parent hosting company invisible to your customers. This is because if the customer finds out that you’re only reselling hosting packages, they may end up cutting you, the middleman, out and buying directly from the parent hosting company.

Click here and learn about Prestige Technologies’ reseller packages.
