Make Sure Your Website is Ready for Our Multi-screen World
What are we supposed to do with all of these options available for Internet enabled devices? The idea of targeting specific devices and resolutions today is absurd. There are more resolutions, phones, and platforms then you can list. By the time you finish designing and coding for each device, your website is out of date. Here are some quick/simple fixes you should consider: Avoid Flash, QuickTime, or any other plug-in that might not be available to a mobile user. Do not exceed 960px wide or people will be scrolling forever. Do not use fonts smaller then 11px. Make sure primary site navigation is large. Here are some long-term solutions to adopt: Responsive Design is a viable solution. The idea to build a single web property that has the ability to dynamically change its display based on the device. This applies to low-resolution devices and high-resolution devices. Remember when you are viewing a Responsive Designed site it is still the same website, but no matter what device your end customer is using the site is optimized. Responsive Design is the idea of having a single website that renders well on a multitude of devices. Responsive design begins with your website, but becomes a part of your marketing strategy. How? The first step when contemplating a redesign of your website using responsive design is to look at your analytics. What types of devices are your visitors using to access your site? If your traffic has changed and they are now using tablets and mobile devices to access your site, you will benefit from a responsive website. Here are six positive effects: increased conversions, lower bounce rates, increased page rank, a stronger online presence, decreased development costs, and a competitive advantage. The worst thing you can do is absolutely nothing.This might sound obvious, but less than 10% of the ‘Top Million Websites’ were mobile ready less than two years ago. As Smartphones, tablets, etc. continue to proliferate, the failure to provide for these visitors will mean you risk alienating a significant portion of your target market. Also do not make assumptions about the behavior of mobile users; or that mobile users are ‘on the move’. Did you know that 40% of mobile searches have local intent? Google showed that almost 80% of mobile searches occur at home or work. Make sure your decisions about how to treat mobile visitors are based on actual data; in other words Test and Track. You cannot figure out how your mobile visitors are behaving if you do not track them separately from desktop visitors. You need to segment out the mobile visit data in order to make informed decisions.
Did You Know? Taken individually, spending on tablets increased 87.6% from the end of 2012 compared to the end of 2013, while the increase on Smartphones was 118.1% in the same period. |
April 3rd, 2014 at 7:50 am
[…] it comes to mobile users, there are several trends going on that point to an even greater world of information mobility, such as the fact that data storage shows signs of doubling every 18 months, or that the number of […]
October 2nd, 2014 at 2:58 am
[…] Is your site ready for the multiscreen consumers? Click here. […]