Is Mobile Really The Next Best Thing?
Is It Really The Next Best Thing?
Back to work already? Yes, the holidays are over, still many of us are dragging ourselves around as if we are expecting another day off. Sorry, but it is back to business as usual. So, take a seat in front of your computer read this article and take a look at what 2009 has in store for you.
If you are one of those people who like to keep in step with the latest developments in technology, you will be rewarded by this article, and if not, it will keep your mind off of the post holiday blues for a minute or two.
Let us take a look at mobile phones. What new features will be offered to us this year? According to Lyris, HQ, “Email marketing on mobile phones has been hovering like either fate or opportunity, depending on how you view it.”
Yes, email marketing on those little gadgets we call mobile phones will be a standard feature in many of our mobile plans. According to the Pew Internet Project, “58% of adult Americans have used a cell phone or personal digital assistant to do at least one of ten mobile non-voice data activities, such as texting, emailing, taking a picture, looking for maps or directions, or recording video.” What exactly does this mean?
Simply put, more than half of Americans are using their cell phones for purposes other than talking. Email marketing seems to be the next logical step, or is it? Along, with new advancement come new rules and restrictions. So what will be some of the limitations of mobile email marketing?
Well, the first limitation should be obvious for anyone with a cell phone and a computer — SCREEN SIZE. The viewing pane will be much smaller and therefore, your messages will need to be more precise with less data. What does this mean — less words, less pictures, less URL’s – you get the idea.
Secondly, you will need to be brief, because messages in excess of a certain size, something as small as 12KB, may be cut off. Again, you will be faced with a decision to shorten or entirely cut out information potential customers may find of interest.
Lastly, you should ask yourselves this question, do you need your audience to visit your website directly after viewing the email marketing message you sent? If so, you may be disappointed. According to Lyris, HQ, “If you have to send readers to your site to get the most value from your email marketing, better make sure it will also render on their devices.”
In short, mobile email marketing presents a wonderful opportunity to — you guessed it — remain mobile. If you are concerned that your targeted audience is always on the go and will not receive your email marketing messages, this may be of interest to you. Otherwise, if your targeted audience is stationary, stick to conventional email marketing, the window of opportunity is much larger!
*Did You Know – you can check if your website is mobile friendly at: