The Best Is Yet To Come?
Wednesday, December 31st, 2008The Best Is Yet To Come?
As we prepare to say goodbye to 2008, many of us are wondering what the New Year will bring. If we are to use 2008 as an example of what is to come we could all be in trouble. This year can be summed up with the words of Charles Dickens, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…”
Gloom, yes that is an appropriate word to describe this past year. We have had an economic meltdown and come incredibly close to a complete shutdown. However, there is hope and this newfound belief must be approached with determination, ingenuity, intelligence, and caution. No matter how dreary the forecast, no matter how long they tell us it will take to recuperate from our economic woes – business will go on, and even prosper.
So, what do some of the tech-savvy writers have to say about 2009 and the technological industry, let us take a look. According to Deloitte, “Technology companies may be able to offset some of the growth challenges they face in 2009, by identifying revenue opportunities in niche markets which might not have been as interesting when revenue was more robust.” This may lead many of us to believe expansion into un-chartered territories will be a trend for technology companies, in the upcoming year.
Yet, according to Wall Street & Technology, “In 2009 CIO’s will be working with smaller budgets, and will face many of the same challenges they did in years past. At the top of the priority list will be – “improving risk management technology, providing technology support for compliance with new regulations, and improving collateral management technology.” This quote from Wall Street & Technology leads us all to believe caution, maintenance, and regulatory compliance will be the focus of the New Year.
What does this tell us? This tells us the experts are just as confused as we are and weathering this economic storm will be a matter of personal determination and not trends and statistics. According to CIOL-Developer Channel, “The majority of the predictions will be proven wrong – as in any other year; the majority of the technologies will not live up to the expectations and most of the predictions will be proven wrong – and there lies the beauty of technology!”
Technology is evolving and morphing into something new even as you read this article, there is no constant. The only thing that we know for sure is we do not know what the future holds for technology and for some reason, we are okay with this uncertainty and even inspired by it.
*Did You Know: E-mail marketing is set to become a standard mobile option in 2009?