Archive for September, 2007

The History of Technology

Sunday, September 30th, 2007

Online Advertising Then? Do you remember the good old days when your dinner was interrupted by telemarketers trying to get you to subscribe to a newspaper? How about those friendly salesmen that came into your home and showed you how to cut pennies with their sharp knives? In lieu of the Internet, does this seem like an archaic form of advertising or demonstrating the potential of a product or service? Well, it is! And, I think we can all agree that getting through dinner without a telemarketer call is priceless.

The world wide web (www) was introduced by Cern in Switzerland in 1991. Online advertising quickly followed and by 2001 major companies such as Microsoft and Yahoo were able to target 125 to 442 million viewers. Prior to the creation of the web browser in 1994, the growth of the Internet was regulated due to limitations. Websites were “static” and consisted merely of text, pictures and links to relevant information. Due to their simplicity, static websites were easier to create and much less expensive than websites today. The ads that appeared on the web were static versions of the printed advertisement and often encouraged viewers to take action by calling the number provided.

Online Advertising Today

The world of online advertising has changed in leaps and bounds since 1994. Today, websites are a far cry from the motionless, cold screens of yesterday. Nowadays, websites are equipped with numerous features to make the consumer experience one of a kind. Let me ask you this, have you ever gone onto a website just to look around and suddenly found yourself interacting with an agent? Well, you are not the only one.

Many websites have been equipped with a little something called instant messaging, “I.M.” This particular feature allows the potential customer to ask questions about a product, receive quotes and other information without ever having to pick up the phone. Let me ask you this, have you ever visited a site, typed in your information and quit halfway through? I know I have. Well, this is not a problem because some websites never forget a name! So, the next time you re-visit the site and begin to type in your information, it may just pop up on the line you are working on. So, you see, instead of a cold impersonal screen, you now have a personal history with this site and it feels like visiting an old friend.

The Future of Online Advertising

Let us get this straight; online advertising is not going anywhere. As a matter of fact, it is expected that online advertising will rise by a whopping 30% within the next year. By 2008, it is expected that online ad spending will surpass all radio advertising spending. Television, radio and newspaper advertising are quickly becoming second and third choices for advertisers. Do you understand what that means?

The Internet is opening up a world of limitless potential and the opportunity to connect with consumers in a whole new way. Believe me, consumers are a lot wiser about their purchasing choices now than ever before. Companies will have to start thinking beyond the bottom line and looking into what their target demographic wants to see, feel, and experience. And believe me, if all you care about is the bottom line, you will become a thing of the past, just like the radio.